Symbol Request Type
A trading symbol is provided to the company for the limited purpose of identifying the company's security in authorized quotation and trading systems. Nasdaq reserves the right, in its sole and final discretion, to assign, rescind, or reassign any trading symbol at any time.

For questions on reserving or changing a symbol for trading on the Nasdaq Nordic Exchanges, you may contact us at We will respond to every inquiry in a timely manner.
Company Name: *
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Relationship to Company:* if other: 
Submitter Email Address:*
  Symbol Requested Plus Two Alternatives
(in order of preference):*
1:  2:  3: 
Company Address:
Address 1:* Address 2:
Company Registration Number:*
On which segment of the exchange is the Company seeking to list its shares?:*

In which country is the Company seeking to list:

Enter the following LETTER code:*

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