Options 7 Pricing Schedule
(a) Removal of Days for Purposes of Volume Pricing Tiers:
(1) (A) Any day that the Exchange announces in advance that it will not be open for trading will be excluded from the options tier calculations set forth in its Pricing Schedule; and
(B) any day with a scheduled early market close ("Scheduled Early Close") may be excluded from the options volume tier calculations only pursuant to paragraph (3) below.
(2) The Exchange may exclude the following days ("Unanticipated Events") from the options volume tier calculations only pursuant to paragraph (3) below, specifically any day that:
(A) the market is not open for the entire trading day, (B) the Exchange instructs members in writing to route their orders to other markets,
(C) the Exchange is inaccessible to members during the 30-minute period before the opening of trade due to an Exchange system disruption, or
(D) the Exchange's system experiences a disruption that lasts for more than 60 minutes during regular trading hours.
(3) If a day is to be excluded as a result of paragraph (1)(B) or (2) above, the Exchange will exclude the day from any member's monthly options volume tier calculations as follows:
(A) the Exchange may exclude from the ADV calculation any Scheduled Early Close or Unanticipated Event; and
(B) the Exchange may exclude from any other applicable options volume tier calculation provided for in its Pricing Schedule (together with (3)(A), "Volume Tier Calculations") any Scheduled Early Close
or Unanticipated Event.
provided, in each case, that the Exchange will only remove the day for members that would have a lower Volume Tier Calculation with the day included.
(b) Fee Disputes. All fee disputes concerning fees which are billed by the Exchange must be submitted to the Exchange in writing and must be accompanied by supporting documentation. All fee disputes must be submitted no later than sixty (60) calendar
days after receipt of a billing invoice.
(c) Definitions. For purposes of assessing fees, the following references should serve as guidance. Fees and rebates are listed per contract per leg unless otherwise noted.
An "Affiliated Entity" is a relationship between an Appointed Market Maker and an Appointed OFP for purposes of qualifying for certain pricing specified in the Schedule of Fees. Market Makers and OPs are required to send an email to the Exchange to
appoint their counterpart, at least 3 business days prior to the last day of the month to qualify for the next month. The Exchange will acknowledge receipt of the emails and specify the date the Affiliated Entity is eligible for applicable pricing, as specified
in the Pricing Schedule. Each Affiliated Entity relationship will commence on the 1st of a month and may not be terminated prior to the end of any month. An Affiliated Entity relationship will automatically renew each month until or unless either party terminates
earlier in writing by sending an email to the Exchange at least 3 business days prior to the last day of the month to terminate for the next month. Affiliated Members may not qualify as a counterparty comprising an Affiliated Entity. Each Member may qualify
for only one (1) Affiliated Entity relationship at any given time.
An "Affiliated Member" is a Member that shares at least 75% common ownership with a particular Member as reflected on the Member's Form BD, Schedule A.
An "Appointed Market Maker" is a Market Maker who has been appointed by an OFP for purposes of qualifying as an Affiliated Entity.
An "Appointed OFP" is an OFP who has been appointed by a Market Maker for purposes of qualifying as an Affiliated Entity.
A "Broker-Dealer" order is an order submitted by a member for a broker-dealer account that is not its own proprietary account.
A "Complex Order" is any order involving the simultaneous purchase and/or sale of two or more different options series in the same underlying security, as provided in Nasdaq ISE Options 3, Section 14, as well as Stock-Option Orders.
A "Crossing Order" is an order executed in the Exchange's Facilitation Mechanism, Solicited Order Mechanism, Price Improvement Mechanism (PIM) or submitted as a Qualified Contingent Cross order. For purposes of this Pricing Schedule, orders executed
in the Block Order Mechanism are also considered Crossing Orders.
"Customer Total Consolidated Volume" means the total national volume cleared at The Options Clearing Corporation in the Customer range in equity and ETF options in that month.
An “Exposed Order” is an order that is broadcast via an order exposure alert as described within Options 5, Section 4 (Order Routing). Unless otherwise noted in Options 7, Section 3 pricing, Exposed Orders will be assessed the applicable “Taker” Fee
and any order or quote that executes against an Exposed Order during a Route Timer will be paid/assessed the applicable “Maker” Rebate/Fee.
A "Firm Proprietary" order is an order submitted by a member for its own proprietary account.
"NDX" means A.M. or P.M. settled options on the full value of the Nasdaq 100® Index.
A "Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker" is a market maker as defined in Section 3(a)(38) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, registered in the same options class on another options exchange.
"Non-Priority Customers" include Market Makers, Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Makers (FarMMs), Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealers, and Professional Customers.
"Non-Select Symbols" are options overlying all symbols excluding Select Symbols.
An "Order Flow Provider" ("OFP") is any Member, other than a Market Maker, that submits orders, as agent or principal, to the Exchange.
A "Priority Customer" is a person or entity that is not a broker/dealer in securities, and does not place more than 390 orders in listed options per day on average during a calendar month for its own beneficial account(s), as defined in Nasdaq ISE
Options 1, Section 1(a)(37). Unless otherwise noted, when used in this Pricing Schedule the term "Priority Customer" includes "Retail" as defined below.
A "Professional Customer" is a person or entity that is not a broker/dealer and is not a Priority Customer.
A "Regular Order" is an order that consists of only a single option series and is not submitted with a stock leg.
"Responses to Crossing Order" is any contra-side interest submitted after the commencement of an auction in the Exchange's Facilitation Mechanism, Solicited Order Mechanism, Block Order Mechanism or PIM.
A "Retail" order is a Priority Customer order that originates from a natural person, provided that no change is made to the terms of the order with respect to price or side of market and the order does not originate from a trading algorithm or any
other computerized methodology.
"Select Symbols" are options overlying all symbols listed on the Nasdaq ISE that are in the Penny Interval Program.
(d) Unrelated Market or Marketable Interest Pricing
The below applies to orders in Select and Non-Select Symbols (excluding Index Options)* executed in the Exchange's Facilitation Mechanism (“FAC Order”), Solicited Order Mechanism (“SOL Order”), and Price Improvement Mechanism (“PIM Order”).
(1) The FAC Order or SOL Order executes against unrelated market or marketable interest received during an auction:
(A) The FAC Order or SOL Order will be assessed the applicable Fees for Crossing Orders (except PIM Orders) or Facilitation and Solicitation Break-up Rebates in Section 3 (for regular FAC Orders and SOL Orders) and Section 4 below
(for complex FAC Orders and SOL Orders). Qualifying FAC Orders and SOL Orders may also be assessed the applicable Solicitation Rebate in Section 6.A below or PIM and Facilitation Rebate in Section 6.C below.
(B) The unrelated market or marketable interest received during an auction will be assessed the applicable Fees for Responses to Crossing Orders (except PIM Orders) in Section 3 (for regular interest) and Section 4 below (for complex
(2) The PIM Order executes against unrelated market or marketable interest received during an auction:
(A) The PIM Order will be assessed the applicable (1) Fees for PIM Orders or PIM Break-up Rebates in Section 3 below (for regular PIM Orders) and (2) Fees for PIM Orders in Section 4 below (for complex PIM Orders). Qualifying PIM
Orders may also be assessed the applicable PIM and Facilitation Rebate in Section 6.C below.
(B) The unrelated market or marketable interest received during an auction will be assessed the applicable Fees for Responses to PIM Orders in Section 3 (for regular interest) and Section 4 below (for complex interest).
(3) The FAC Order, SOL Order, or PIM Order executes against unrelated market or marketable interest received prior to the commencement of an auction:
(A) The FAC Order, SOL Order, or PIM Order would be subject to the applicable taker pricing in Section 3 (for regular FAC Orders, SOL Orders, and PIM Orders) and Section 4 below (for complex FAC Orders, SOL Orders, and PIM Orders).
(B) The unrelated market or marketable interest received prior to the commencement of an auction will be assessed the applicable maker pricing in Section 3 (for regular interest), and Section 4 below (for complex interest).
* All transactions in Index Options are subject to separate pricing in Section 5 below.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended December 21, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-102); amended June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended Dec. 9, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-32); amended February 3, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-03); amended February 12, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-06); amended
June 25, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-25), operative July 1, 2020; amended July 9, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-29); amended July 20, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-30); amended Dec. 1, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-26); amended Feb. 18, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-04); amended Oct. 3, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-21); amended
Oct. 14, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-22); amended Oct. 24, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-24); amended Feb. 28, 2023 (SR-GEMX-2023-04), operative Mar. 30, 2023; amended May 17, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-10), operative Jun. 16, 2023; amended Oct. 23, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-23); amended May 7,
2024 (SR-ISE-2024-18), operative Sep. 1, 2024; amended Apr. 27, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-11), operative Sep. 23, 2024.
Section 2. Collection of Exchange Fees and Other Claims
(a) Each Member, and all applicants for registration as such shall be required to provide a clearing account number for an account at the National Securities Clearing Corporation ("NSCC") for purposes of permitting the Exchange to debit any undisputed or
final fees, fines, charges and/or other monetary sanctions or other monies due and owing to the Exchange or other charges related to ISE General 2, Section 2, Options 2A, Section 7 and; provided, however, that the fees set forth in Section 10 (Market Data)
of the Exchange's Pricing Schedule shall be excluded from this Rule. If a Member disputes an invoice, the Exchange will not include the disputed amount in the debit if the member has disputed the amount in writing to the Exchange's designated staff by the
15th of the month, or the following business day if the 15th is not a business day, and the amount in dispute is at least $10,000 or greater.
[Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]
Section 3. Regular Order Fees and Rebates
Select Symbols
Market Participant
Maker Rebate / Fee(17)
Taker Fee(17)
Fee for Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders(2)
Fee for PIM Orders(2) (13)
Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders
Fee for Responses to PIM Orders
Facilitation and Solicitation Break-up Rebate(4)
PIM Break-up Rebate
Market Maker(8)
$0.18(5) (10) (11)
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
Professional Customer
$0.50 |
Priority Customer
$0.50 |
Non-Select Symbols (Excluding Index Options) (7)
Market Participant
Maker Rebate / Fee(17)
Taker Fee(3)(17)
Fee for Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders(2)
Fee for PIM Orders(2) (13)
Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders
Fee for Responses to PIM Orders
Facilitation and Solicitation Break-up Rebate(4) |
PIM Break-up Rebate
Market Maker(8)
N/A |
N/A |
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
($0.20) |
N/A |
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
($0.20) |
N/A |
Professional Customer
($0.20) |
N/A |
Priority Customer
($1.00)(15) (18)
1. Reserved.
2. Fees apply to the originating and contra order.
3. Non-Priority Customer orders will be charged a taker fee of $1.25 per contract for trades executed against a Priority Customer. Priority Customer orders will be charged a taker fee of $1.00 per contract
for trades executed against a Priority Customer.
4. Rebate provided for contracts that are submitted to the Facilitation and Solicited Order Mechanisms that do not trade with their contra order except when those contracts trade against pre-existing
orders and quotes on the Exchange's order books. The applicable Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders is applied to any contracts for which a rebate is provided.
5. Market Makers that qualify for Market Maker Plus will not pay this fee if they meet the applicable tier thresholds set forth in the table below, and will instead be assessed the below fees or rebates
based on the applicable tier for which they qualify.
Market Makers are evaluated each trading day for the percentage of time spent on the National Best Bid or National Best Offer ("NBBO") for qualifying series that expire in two successive thirty calendar
day periods beginning on that trading day. A Market Maker Plus is a Market Maker who is on the NBBO a specified percentage of the time on average for the month based on daily performance in the qualifying series for each of the two successive periods described
above. Qualifying series are series trading between $0.03 and $3.00 (for options whose underlying stock's previous trading day's last sale price was less than or equal to $100) and between $0.10 and $3.00 (for options whose underlying stock's previous trading
day's last sale price was greater than $100) in premium. If a Market Maker would qualify for a different Market Maker Plus tier in each of the two successive periods described above, then the lower of the two Market Maker Plus tier fees or rebates shall apply
to all contracts.
Market Makers may enter quotes in a symbol using one or more unique, exchange assigned identifiers - i.e., badge/suffix combinations. Market Maker Plus status is calculated independently based on quotes
entered in a symbol for each of the Market Maker's badge/suffix combinations, and the highest tier achieved for any badge/suffix combination quoting that symbol applies to executions across all badge/suffix combinations that the member uses to trade in that
symbol. Only badge/suffix combinations quoting a minimum of ten trading days within the month will be used to determine whether the Market Maker Plus status has been met and the specific tier to be applied to the Market Maker's performance for that month.
A Market Maker's worst quoting day each month for each of the two successive periods described above, on a per symbol basis, will be excluded in calculating whether a Market Maker qualifies for this
fee or rebate. A Market Maker who qualifies for Market Maker Plus Tier 2 or higher in at least four of the previous six months will be eligible to receive a reduced Tier 2 incentive in a given month where the Market Maker does not qualify for Market Maker
Plus Tier 2 or higher. For Select Symbols, this rebate will be the applicable Tier 2 rebate reduced by $0.08 per contract. For Non-Select Symbols, this fee will be the Tier 2 fee increased by $0.08 per contract. For the avoidance of doubt, if a Market Maker
has achieved Tier 2 or higher in at least four of the previous six months, but does not achieve Tier 2 or higher in the current month, that Market Maker will receive the better of the reduced Tier 2 incentive or any applicable Tier 1 incentive the Market Maker
qualified for in the current month.
The Exchange may exclude from any member's monthly Market Maker Plus tier calculation any Unanticipated Event; provided that the Exchange will only remove the day for members that would have a lower
time at the NBBO for the specified series with the day included.
Select Symbols other than SPY, QQQ, IWM, AMZN, META, and NVDA
Market Maker Plus Tier (Specified Percentage)
Maker Rebate
Tier 1 (80% to less than 85%)
Tier 2 (85% to less than 95%)
Tier 3 (95% or greater)
Market Maker Plus Tier (Specified Percentage)
Regular Maker Rebate
Linked Maker Rebate (9) (12)
Tier 1a (50% to less than 65%)
Tier 1b (65% to less than 80%) or (over 50% and adds liquidity in the qualifying symbol that is executed at a volume of greater than 0.10% of Customer Total Consolidated Volume)
Tier 2 (80% to less than 85%) or (over 50% and adds liquidity in the qualifying symbol that is executed at a volume of greater than 0.20% of Customer Total Consolidated Volume)
Tier 3 (85% to less than 90%) or (over 50% and adds liquidity in the qualifying symbol that is executed at a volume of greater than 0.25% of Customer Total Consolidated Volume)
Tier 4 (90% or greater) or (over 50% and adds liquidity in the qualifying symbol that is executed at a volume of greater than 0.50% of Customer Total Consolidated Volume)
Market Maker Plus Tier (Specified Percentage)
Maker Rebate (14)
Tier 1 (70% to less than 85%)
Tier 2 (85% to less than 95%)
Tier 3 (95% or greater)
Non-Select Symbols (excluding Index Options)(7)
Market Maker Plus Tier (Specified Percentage)
Maker Fee / Rebate
Tier 1 (80% to less than 90%)
Tier 2 (90% to less than 98%)
Tier 3 (98% or greater)
6. This rebate will be provided if the qualifying Market Maker trades against non-Priority Customer orders. Qualifying Market Makers that trade against Priority Customer orders will be charged a Market
Maker Plus Tier 3 fee of $0.10 per contract instead of receiving the Tier 3 rebate.
7. For all executions in regular NDX, XND and NQX orders, the applicable index options fees in Section 5 will apply.
8. This fee applies to Market Maker orders sent to the Exchange by Electronic Access Members.
9. The following symbols are linked for purposes of the linked maker rebate: (1) SPY and QQQ, and (2) SPY and IWM. Market Makers that qualify for Market Maker Plus Tiers 2-4 in note 5 above for executions
in SPY, QQQ, or IWM may be eligible for a linked maker rebate in a linked symbol in addition to the regular maker rebate for the applicable tier. Linked maker rebate applies to executions in SPY, QQQ, or IWM if the Market Maker does not achieve the applicable
tier in that symbol but achieves the tier (i.e., any of Market Maker Plus Tiers 2-4) for any badge/suffix combination in the other linked symbol, in which case the higher tier achieved applies to both symbols. If a Market Maker would qualify for a linked maker
rebate in SPY based on the tier achieved in QQQ and the tier achieved in IWM then the higher of the two linked maker rebates will be applied to SPY. The regular maker rebate will be provided in the symbol that qualifies the Market Maker for the higher tier
based on percentage of time at the NBBO.
10. There will be no fee charged or rebate provided when trading against non-Priority Customer Complex Orders that leg into the regular order book.
11. $0.25 per contract fee applies instead of the applicable fee or rebate when trading against Priority Customer Complex Orders that leg into the regular order book. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Market
Makers that qualify for Market Maker Plus in Select Symbols will not pay any fee nor receive any rebate in the symbols for which they qualify for Market Maker Plus when trading against Priority Customer Complex Orders that leg into the regular order book.
12. Market Makers that achieve Priority Customer Complex Tiers 7 - 9 in Section 4 will receive an additional $0.01 per contract rebate on executions in SPY, QQQ, or IWM that qualify for the linked maker
rebate program pursuant to note 9 above, in addition to the linked maker rebate tiers 2 - 4.
13. Other than for Priority Customer orders, this fee is $0.05 per contract for orders executed by Members that execute an ADV of 7,500 or more contracts in the PIM in a given month. Members that execute
an ADV of 12,500 or more contracts in the PIM will be charged $0.02 per contract. The discounted fees are applied retroactively to all eligible PIM volume in that month once the threshold has been reached.
14. Market Makers that qualify for Market Maker Plus Tiers 1-3 in note 5 above for executions in two out of the three symbols AMZN, META, or NVDA will be eligible for a maker rebate in the third symbol,
in addition to the maker rebate for the applicable tier in the other two symbols. The maker rebate will apply to executions in AMZN, META, or NVDA if the Market Maker does not achieve the applicable tier in that symbol but achieves the tier (i.e., any of Market
Maker Plus Tiers 1-3) for any badge/suffix combination in the other two symbols. If a Market Maker would qualify for different Market Maker Plus Tiers 1-3 in two symbols, then the lower of the two maker rebates will be applied to the third symbol (e.g., Market
Maker Plus qualification in Tier 1 and Tier 2 across two symbols would earn Market Maker Plus Tier 1 in the third symbol). If all three symbols separately achieve any of Market Maker Plus Tiers 1-3, the symbol that achieves the tier with the lowest maker rebate
will instead receive the same maker rebate as the symbol that achieved the next lowest tier.
15. Members that execute more than 0.10% of Regular Order Non-Select Symbol Priority Customer Volume (excluding Crossing Orders and Responses to Crossing Orders) calculated as a percentage of Customer
Total Consolidated Volume per day in a given month will receive an additional rebate of $0.18 per contract. Members that meet the foregoing volume requirement will also be eligible to receive the Section 4 Priority Customer Complex Order rebates in Select
Symbols and Non-Select Symbols that apply to one tier higher than the tier for which they currently qualify, except Members that already qualify for the highest Priority Customer Complex Tier in Section 4 will instead receive an additional rebate of $0.01
per contract in Select Symbols and Non-Select Symbols.
16. Fees for Crossing Orders applicable to Professional Customers for an order submitted as a Qualified Contingent Cross order and orders executed in the Exchange's Solicited Order Mechanism will be
$0.00 per contract.
17. Reserved.
18. There will be no fee charged or rebate provided in Non-Select Symbols when trading against Priority Customer Complex Orders that leg into the regular order book.
19. Electronic Access Members that utilize PIM to execute more than 0.75% of Priority Customer volume of Regular Orders, calculated as a percentage of Customer Total Consolidated Volume (“TCV”) per day
in a given month, will receive a PIM Break-Up Rebate of $0.26 per contract in Select Symbols and $0.60 per contract in Non-Select Symbols for Priority Customer Regular Orders under 250 contracts that are submitted to PIM and do not trade with their contra
order except when those contracts trade against unrelated quotes or orders.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended December 21, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-102); amended February 27, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-03), operative March 1, 2019; amended February 28, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-04), operative March 1, 2019; amended March 11, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-07);
amended May 1, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-13); amended May 10, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-15); amended October 1, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-25); amended October 10, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-26); amended January 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-01); amended February 3, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-02); amended February
3, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-03); amended February 12, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-06); amended April 30, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-19), operative May 1, 2020; amended May 11, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-20); amended June 25, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-25), operative July 1, 2020; amended July 1, 2020
(SR-ISE-2020-26); amended July 9, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-29); amended July 20, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-30); amended Nov. 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-36); amended Nov. 13, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-35); amended Nov. 24, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-40); amended Mar. 1, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-02); amended
Mar. 2, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-03); amended June 8, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-13); amended Feb. 23, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-05); amended Mar. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-06); amended Mar. 4, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-07); amended Jul. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-14); amended Aug. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-15);
amended Aug. 9, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-16); amended Feb. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-04); amended Jun. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-12); amended Feb. 28, 2023 (SR-GEMX-2023-04), operative Mar. 30, 2023; amended May 17, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-10), operative Jun. 16, 2023; amended Oct.
31, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-25); amended Nov. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-26); amended Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-27); amended Nov. 13, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-28); amended Dec. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-35); amended Jul. 31, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-37), operative Aug. 1, 2024; amended
Aug. 9, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-38); amended Apr. 27, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-11), operative Sep. 23, 2024; amended Oct. 1, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-48).
Section 4. Complex Order Fees and Rebates(5) (12) (15)
Priority Customer Rebates
Priority Customer Complex Tier(7) (13)(16)(17)
Total Affiliated Member or Affiliated Entity Complex Order Volume (Excluding Crossing Orders and Responses to Crossing Orders) Calculated as a Percentage of Customer Total Consolidated Volume
Rebate for Select Symbols(1)
Rebate for Non-Select Symbols(1)(4)
Tier 1
0.000% - 0.200%
Tier 2
Above 0.200% - 0.400%
Tier 3
Above 0.400% - 0.550%
Tier 4
Above 0.550% - 0.750%
Tier 5
Above 0.750% - 1.000%
Tier 6
Above 1.000% - 1.350%
Tier 7
Above 1.350% - 1.750%
Tier 8
Above 1.750% - 2.750%
Tier 9
Above 2.750% - 4.500%
Tier 10
Above 4.500%
Maker and Taker Fees
Market Participant
Maker Fee for Select Symbols
Maker Fee for Non-Select Symbols
Maker Fee for Select Symbols when trading against Priority Customer
Maker Fee for non-Select Symbols when trading against Priority Customer
Taker Fee for Select Symbols
Taker Fee for Non- Select Symbols
Market Maker
$0.50(3), (8)
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
$0.50(3), (8)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
$0.50(3), (8)
Professional Customer
$0.50(3), (8)
Priority Customer
Crossing Order Fees and Rebates
Market Participant
Fee for Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders(10)(11)
Fee for
PIM Orders(9)(11)
Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders for Select Symbols
Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders Except PIM Orders for non-Select Symbols
Fee for Responses to PIM Orders for Select Symbols
Fee for Responses to PIM Orders for Non-Select Symbols
Facilitation and Solicitation Breakup Rebate for Select Symbols(2)
Facilitation and Solicitation Break-up Rebate for Non-Select Symbols(2)
Market Maker
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
Professional Customer
Priority Customer
1. Rebate provided per contract per leg if the order trades with Non-Priority Customer orders in the Complex Order Book. This rebate will be reduced by $0.20 per contract in Select Symbols where the largest leg of the Complex Order is under fifty (50) contracts
and trades with quotes and orders on the regular order book. No Priority Customer Complex Order rebates will be provided in Select Symbols if any leg of the order that trades with interest on the regular order book is fifty (50) contracts or more. No Priority
Customer Complex Order rebates will be provided in Non-Select Symbols if any leg of the order trades with interest on the regular order book, irrespective of order size.
2. Rebate provided per contract per leg for contracts that are submitted to Facilitation and Solicitation Mechanisms that do not trade with their contra order except when those contracts trade against pre-existing orders and quotes on the Exchange's order
books. The applicable Fee for Responses to Crossing Orders is applied to any contracts for which a rebate is provided.
3. This Taker Fee is $0.38 per contract when executed against Priority Customer Complex Orders in Select Symbols entered by an Affiliated Member or Affiliated Entity, excluding Complex Orders executed in the Facilitation Mechanism, Solicited Order Mechanism,
and Price Improvement Mechanism.
4. No Priority Customer complex order rebates will be paid for orders in NDX, XND, NQX or MNX.
5. For all executions in complex XND and NQX orders, the XND and NQX index options fees in Section 5 will apply.
6. Reserved.
7. The rebate for the highest tier volume achieved is applied retroactively to all eligible Priority Customer Complex volume once the threshold has been reached.
8. A $0.12 per contract surcharge will be assessed to Non-Priority Customer Complex Orders that take liquidity from the Complex Order Book (including Exposure Complex Orders and Exposure Only Complex Orders pursuant to Options 3, Section 14(b)(13) and (14))
when executed against Priority Customer Complex Orders, excluding Complex Orders executed in the Facilitation Mechanism, Solicited Order Mechanism, and Price Improvement Mechanism.
9. Other than for Priority Customer orders, the Complex Fee for PIM Orders is $0.05 per contract for orders executed by Members that execute an ADV of 7,500 or more contracts in the Complex PIM in a given month. Other than for Priority Customer orders, Members
that execute an ADV of 12,500 or more contracts in a given month in the Complex PIM will be charged a $0.02 per contract fee. The discounted fees are applied retroactively to all eligible Complex PIM volume in that month once the threshold has been reached.
10. Fee charged for all legs.
11. Fees apply to the originating and contra order.
12. The Exchange will charge a stock handling fee of $0.0010 per share (capped at $50 per trade) for the stock leg of stock-option orders executed against other stock-option orders in the complex order book.
13. Members will not receive rebates for net zero complex orders. For purposes of determining which complex orders qualify as "net zero" the Exchange will count all complex orders that leg in to the regular order book and are executed at a net price per
contract that is within a range of $0.01 credit and $0.01 debit.
14. Fees for Crossing Orders applicable to Professional Customers for an order submitted as a Qualified Contingent Cross order and orders executed in the Exchange's Solicited Order Mechanism will be $0.00 per contract.
15. During an "exposure" auction pursuant to Options 3, Section 14(c)(3), the originating side of the auction order will be assessed the applicable maker fee or rebate, and the contra side will be assessed the applicable taker fee or rebate.
16. Priority Customer Complex Tiers are based on Total Affiliated Member or Affiliated Entity Complex Order Volume (Excluding Crossing Orders and Responses to Crossing Orders) Calculated as a Percentage of Customer Total Consolidated Volume. All Complex
Order volume executed on the Exchange, including volume executed by Affiliated Members, is included in the volume calculation, except for volume executed as Crossing Orders and Responses to Crossing Orders. Affiliated Entities may aggregate their Complex Order
volume for purposes of calculating Priority Customer Rebates. The Appointed OFP would receive the rebate associated with the qualifying volume tier based on aggregated volume.
17. Members that execute more than 0.10% of Regular Order Non-Select Symbol Priority Customer Volume (excluding Crossing Orders and Responses to Crossing Orders) calculated as a percentage of Customer Total Consolidated Volume per day in a given month will
be eligible to receive the Priority Customer Complex Order rebates in Select Symbols and Non-Select Symbols that apply to one tier higher than the tier for which they currently qualify, except Members that already qualify for the highest Priority Customer
Complex Tier will instead receive an additional rebate of $0.01 per contract in Select Symbols and Non-Select Symbols.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended April 1, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-09); amended June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended January 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-01); amended February 3, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-02); amended March 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-09); amended
March 10, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-12); amended July 1, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-26); amended Nov. 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-37); amended Nov. 13, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-39); amended June 8, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-13); amended Sep. 30, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-21), operative Oct. 1, 2021; amended
Aug. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-15); amended Aug. 9, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-16); amended Dec. 2, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-27), operative Dec. 1, 2022; amended Dec. 13, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-29); amended Oct. 31, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-25); amended Nov. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-26); amended
Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-27); amended Nov. 13, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-28); amended Dec. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-35); amended Jan. 2, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-01); amended Jan. 12, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-04); amended Feb. 29, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-08), operative Mar. 1, 2024; amended
Mar. 8, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-11).
Section 5. Index Options Fees and Rebates
A. NDX Index Options Fees for Regular Orders(1)(3)
Market Participant
Market Maker
Market Maker (for orders sent by Electronic Access Members)
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
Professional Customer
Priority Customer
1. For all executions in complex NDX orders for Non-Priority Customers, the applicable complex order fees for Non-Select Symbols in Section 4 will apply. For all executions in complex NDX orders for Priority Customers, the fee will be $0.25 per
2. A surcharge of $0.25 per contract will be assessed to all Priority Customer complex executions in NDX.
3. A surcharge of $0.25 per contract will be assessed to all market participants for simple and complex executions in NDX with a premium price of $25.00 or greater.
B. NQX Index Options Fees and Rebates for Regular and Complex Orders
Market Participant
Maker Fee
Taker Fee(1)
Market Maker
Market Maker (for orders sent by Electronic Access Members)
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
Professional Customer
Priority Customer
1. Fee will also apply to the originating and contra side of Crossing Orders and to Responses to Crossing Orders.
C. XND Index Options Fees for Regular and Complex Orders
Market Participant
Market Maker
Market Maker (for orders sent by Electronic Access Members)
Non-Nasdaq ISE Market Maker (FarMM)
Firm Proprietary / Broker-Dealer
Professional Customer
Priority Customer
D. Non-Priority Customer License Surcharge for Index Options
» The Non-Priority Customer License Surcharge applies to all executions in BKX and NDX, including executions of BKX and NDX orders that are routed to one or more exchanges in connection with the Options Order Protection and Locked/Crossed Market Plan.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended April 30, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-10), operative May 3, 2021; amended May 11, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-11); amended Oct. 31, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-25); amended Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-27); amended Nov. 30, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-34),
operative Dec. 1, 2023; amended Dec. 8, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-36), operative Dec. 1, 2023; amended Jul. 1, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-26); amended Jul. 12, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-29).
Section 6. Other Options Fees and Rebates
A. Solicitation Rebate
» Members using the Qualified Contingent Cross (QCC) and/or other solicited orders executed in the Solicited Order Mechanism or Facilitation Mechanism will receive rebates for solicited orders executed in the Solicited Order or Facilitation Mechanisms (“Solicited
Orders”) according to the table below for each originating contract side in all symbols traded on the Exchange. Volume associated with QCC executions will be aggregated in calculating the Solicitation Rebate volume tiers in this section, but Members that execute
QCC volume will receive the QCC Rebate in Section 6.B below.
Once a Member reaches a certain volume threshold in combined QCC and Solicited Orders during a month, the Exchange will provide rebates to that Member for all of its Solicited Order traded contracts for that month. All eligible volume from affiliated Members
will be aggregated in determining the combined QCC and Solicited Order volume totals, provided there is at least 75% common ownership between the Members as reflected on each Member's Form BD, Schedule A. The applicable rebates will be applied on Solicited
Order traded contracts once the volume threshold is met. Members will receive the rebate for all Solicited Orders when at least one side of the Solicited Order is neither a Priority Customer nor Professional Customers. Solicited Orders between two Priority
Customers, two Professional Customers, or a Priority Customer and a Professional Customer will not receive any rebate. The volume threshold and corresponding rebates are as follows:
» Volume resulting from all QCC and Solicited Orders will be aggregated in determining the applicable volume tier.
Originating Contract Sides
0 to 749,999
750,000 to 1,499,999
* Members will receive an additional rebate of $0.01 per originating contract side on Solicited Orders that qualify for the Solicitation Rebate program if they achieve in a given month: (i) combined QCC and Solicited Order volume of more than 1,750,000 originating
contract sides and (ii) Priority Customer Complex Tier 6 or higher in Section 4.
& Members will receive an additional rebate of $0.01 per originating contract side on Solicited Orders that qualify for the Solicitation Rebate program if they achieve Priority Customer Complex Tier 2 or higher in a given month.
B. QCC Rebate
Members that submit QCC orders when at least one side of the QCC transaction is neither a Priority Customer nor Professional Customer will receive the below QCC Rebates. QCC Rebates will be paid to each originating contract side (“QCC Agency Side”) in all
symbols traded on the Exchange.
QCC Rebate 1
When only one side of the QCC transaction is neither a Priority Customer nor Professional Customer, the Member will receive a $0.15 per contract rebate for each QCC Agency Side.
Members will receive an additional rebate of $0.01 per contract for each QCC Agency Side that qualifies for QCC Rebate 1 if they achieve Priority Customer Complex Tier 2 or higher in a given month.
QCC Rebate 2
When both sides of the QCC transaction are not any combination of Priority Customers and/or Professional Customers, the Member will receive a $0.23 per contract rebate for each QCC Agency Side.
Members will receive an additional rebate of $0.04 per contract for each QCC Agency Side that qualifies for QCC Rebate 2 if they achieve Priority Customer Complex Tier 2 or higher in a given month.
C. PIM and Facilitation Rebate
» Electronic Access Members that utilize PIM to execute more than 0.75% of Priority Customer volume in Regular Orders, calculated as a percentage of Customer Total Consolidated Volume (“TCV”) per day in a given month, will receive an $0.11 per contract rebate
for Priority Customer Regular Orders under 250 contracts that are submitted to PIM. The rebate would be paid to the Agency Order as that term is defined within Options 3, Section 13. Eligible volume from Affiliated Members will be aggregated in calculating
the percentage. Provided this rebate is higher than other rebates within Options 7, Section 6C, this rebate will be paid in lieu of other rebates within this Section C. In the event a Crossing Transaction consists of two Priority Customer Orders, the Exchange
would not pay this rebate.
» Members using the Facilitation Mechanism or PIM for unsolicited Crossing Orders, whereby the contra-side party of the Crossing Order (1) is either Firm Proprietary or Broker-Dealer and (2) has total affiliated Average Daily Volume ("ADV") of 250,000 or
more contracts, are eligible to earn the following rebates during a given month. In determining total affiliated ADV, eligible volume from Affiliated Members will be aggregated.
Originating Contract Sides
0 to 199,999
200,000 or more
*Once a Member reaches or exceeds the volume threshold to qualify for a $0.03 per originating contract side rebate during a given month, then the Member will receive the $0.03 rebate for all of its originating contract sides that qualify for the PIM and
Facilitation Rebate during that month, including for the Member's first qualifying 0-199,999 originating contract sides.
Members that qualify for the PIM and Facilitation rebates on their unsolicited Crossing Orders, as set forth in the above paragraph, may also earn either or both of the following additional rebates:
1. Members that achieve combined Qualified Contingent Cross ("QCC") and Solicitation Originating Contracts Sides of more than 1,000,000 during a given month can earn an additional rebate of ($0.01) per
originating contract side on their unsolicited Crossing Orders that qualify for the PIM and Facilitation Rebate program.
2. Members that achieve Priority Customer Complex Order ADV of between 100,000-224,999 contracts can earn an additional rebate of ($0.01) per originating contract side on all of their unsolicited Crossing
Orders that qualify for the PIM and Facilitation Rebate program; however, this additional rebate will be ($0.02) per originating contract on all unsolicited Crossing Orders that qualify for the PIM and Facilitation Rebate Program to the extent that Members
achieve Priority Customer Complex Order ADV of 225,000 or more contracts. For avoidance of doubt, if a Member has 200,000 originating contract sides in a month that qualify for a $0.03 rebate under the PIM and Facilitation Rebate program and the Member also
achieves Priority Customer Complex Order ADV of 225,000 contracts in that same month, then the Member will receive an additional $0.02 rebate on all of its 200,000 originating contract sides that qualify for the PIM and Facilitation Rebate program, for a total
rebate on such originating contract sides of $0.05.
D. Reserved
E. Marketing Fee
Non-Select Symbols
* No marketing fees are charged for Select and Non-Select Symbols. If the Exchange determines to charge a marketing fee in the future, it will do so pursuant to a rule filing.
» Marketing fees apply to Nasdaq ISE Market Makers for each Regular Priority Customer contract executed except as noted below.
» Marketing fees do not apply to Nasdaq ISE Market Makers for each Regular Priority Customer contract executed in Select Symbols.
» Marketing fees are waived NDX, XND, NQX, MNX and for Complex Orders in all symbols.
» The marketing fee will be rebated proportionately to the members that paid the fee such that on a monthly basis the marketing fee fund balance administered by a Primary Market Maker for a Group of options established under Options 2, Section 3(b) does
not exceed $100,000 and the marketing fee fund balance administered by a preferenced Competitive Market Maker for such a Group does not exceed $100,000. A preferenced Competitive Market Maker that elects not to administer a fund will not be charged the marketing
fee. The Exchange assesses an administrative fee of .45% on the total amount of the funds collected each month.
F. Route-Out Fees1.
Market Participant
Select Symbols
Non-Select Symbols
All Market Participants
1. Fee applies to executions of orders in all symbols that are routed to one or more exchanges in connection with the Options Order Protection and Locked/Crossed Market Plan.
G. Reserved.
H. Crossing Fee Cap
I. Inactive PMM Fee
» $100,000 per month per Membership. If a group has not been open for trading, the PMM appointed to that group will be subject to an "inactive" fee of $100,000 per month. This fee does not apply to inactive
J. Cancellation Fee
» $0.00 per order applies to a clearing Electronic Access Member that cancelled at least 500 Priority Customer options orders in a month for itself or for an introducing broker, for each order cancellation
in excess of the total number of orders executed for itself or for such introducing broker that month. All Priority Customer options orders from the same clearing Electronic Access Member for itself or for such introducing broker executed in the same underlying
symbol at the same price within a 300 second period will be aggregated and counted as one executed order for purposes of this fee. This fee shall not apply to the cancellation of options orders that improve Nasdaq ISE's disseminated quotes at the time the
orders were entered.
K. Back-up Trading Arrangements
» If Nasdaq ISE exclusively listed options are traded at Nasdaq ISE's facility on a Backup Exchange pursuant to Nasdaq ISE Options 4, Section 10, the Back-up Exchange has agreed to apply the per contract
and per contract side fees in this fee schedule to such transactions. If any other Nasdaq ISE listed options are traded on the Back-up Exchange (such as Nasdaq ISE singly listed options that are listed by the Backup Exchange) pursuant to Nasdaq ISE Options
4, Section 10, the fee schedule of the Back-up Exchange shall apply to such trades.
» If the exclusively listed options of a Disabled Exchange are traded on the Disabled Exchange's facility at Nasdaq ISE pursuant to Options 4, Section 10, Nasdaq ISE will apply the per contract and per
contract side fees in the fee schedule of the Disabled Exchange to such transactions. If any other options classes of the Disabled Exchange are traded on Nasdaq ISE (such as singly listed options of the Disabled Exchange) pursuant to Options 4, Section 10,
the fees set forth in the Nasdaq ISE fee schedule shall apply to such trades.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended April 1, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-09); amended June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended February 3, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-03); amended February 12, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-06); amended April 30, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-19), operative
May 1, 2020; amended May 11, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-20); amended June 25, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-25), operative July 1, 2020; amended July 9, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-29); amended July 20, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-30); amended Sep. 30, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-21), operative Oct. 1, 2021;
amended Aug. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-15); amended Aug. 9, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-16); amended Oct. 3, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-21); amended Oct. 14, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-22); amended Oct. 24, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-24); amended Feb. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-05); amended Jun. 1, 2023
(SR-ISE-2023-12); amended Feb. 28, 2023 (SR-GEMX-2023-04), operative Mar. 30, 2023; amended May 17, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-10), operative Jun. 16, 2023; amended Oct. 31, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-25); amended Nov. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-26); amended Nov. 7, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-27);
amended Nov. 13, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-28); amended Dec. 1, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-35); amended Apr. 27, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-11), operative Sep. 23, 2024.
A. Trading Application
1. Non-Standard Services. $350 per hour (one time).
B. Trading Application
1. PrecISE Trade® Terminal Fee-This fee is waived for the first two months for all new users.
$350 per logged-in user per month, for the first 10 users.*
$100 per logged-in user per month, for each subsequent user.
2. PrecISE Trade® Terminal Sponsored Customer Fee - This fee is waived for the first two months for all new users of a sponsored customer. This fee applies only to sponsored customers of non-affiliated
$350 per logged-in user per month, for the first 10 users.*
$100 per logged-in user per month, for each subsequent user.
3. Intermediate Routing Destination ("IRD"). A $20 fee is charged to an IRD for each PrecISE Trade terminal that is authorized to send such IRD orders. An IRD is a Nasdaq ISE member that receives orders
from another Nasdaq ISE member via a PrecISE Trade terminal and routes those orders to other options exchanges.
*PrecISE Trade® fee waived for first five (5) users if the EAM or sponsored customer executes a minimum of 1.5 million crossing contracts during the prior calendar month. Free users will count towards the first ten (10) users otherwise subject to the higher
$350 per user fee.
C. Ports and Other Services
ISE Members will be required to transition from legacy FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports to new FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports in conjunction with a technology
infrastructure migration.
ISE will not assess the below port fees for any new FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports, which are duplicative of legacy FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports, acquired
as part of the migration from August 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024 ("Transition Period").
ISE will continue to assess the below fees for legacy FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports during the Transition Period. ISE will sunset legacy FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and
FIX DROP Ports on December 20, 2024. Additionally, ISE will assess the below port fees for any new legacy FIX Ports, SQF Ports, SQF Purge Ports, OTTO Ports, CTI Ports and FIX DROP Ports acquired during the Transition Period.
As of November 1, 2024, ISE will assess Members the below fees for all ports to which they subscribe.
The below charges are assessed by ISE for connectivity to ISE.
A port is a logical connection or session that enables a market participant to send inbound messages and/or receive outbound messages from the Exchange using various communication protocols. Fees are prorated for the first month of service under this section.
Upon cancellation, market participants are required to pay for service for the remainder of the month, regardless of whether it is the first month of service.
(i) The following order and quote protocols are available on ISE.
(1) FIX Port Fee
$300 per port per month, per mnemonic
(2) SQF Port Fee
$1,185 per port per month
(3) SQF Purge Port Fee
$1,185 per port per month
(4) OTTO Port Fee1
$400 per port per month, per mnemonic
1 OTTO Port Fees are subject to a monthly cap of $4,000.
(ii) The following order and execution information is available to Members.
(1) CTI Port Fee
$500 per port per month, per account number
(2) FIX DROP Port Fee
$500 per port per month, per account number
(iii) The following data port fees apply in connection with data subscriptions pursuant to ISE Rules at Section 10. These ports are available to non-ISE Members and ISE Members.
(1) Nasdaq ISE Depth of Market Data Port
$0 per port, per month
(2) Nasdaq ISE Order Feed Port
$0 per port, per month
(3) Nasdaq ISE Top Feed Port
$0 per port, per month
(4) Nasdaq ISE Trades Feed Port
$0 per port, per month
(5) Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed Port
$0 per port, per month
(iv) Other ports:
Disaster Recovery Port Fee for ports in subsections (i) - (ii)
$50 per port, per month
Nasdaq Testing Facility Port Fee1
$0 per port, per month
1The Nasdaq Testing Facility Port Fee is applicable to all ports within this Section 7C.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended Sep. 1, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-19); amended Feb. 3, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-06), operative Mar. 5, 2023; amended May 17, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-10), operative Jun. 16, 2023; amended May 7, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-18), operative
Aug. 1, 2024 (Options 7 Section 7C only); amended Feb. 3, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-06), operative Sep. 23, 2024; amended Dec. 20, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-61), operative Jan. 1, 2025; amended Dec. 31, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-64), operative Jan. 1, 2025.
A. Access Fees
Electronic Access Member - $500 per month per membership.
Market Maker
Primary Market Maker - $5,000 per month per membership.
Competitive Market Maker - $2,500 per month per membership.
B. Reserved.
C. Gateway Fees
Shared Gateway - $0
D. Telco Line Charges
These fees are paid to 3rd parties.
E. Reserved
F. Reserved
G. Reserved
H. Reserved
I. Exchange Testing Facilities
Subscribers to the Testing Facility located in Carteret, New Jersey shall pay a fee of $1,100 per hand-off, per month for connection to the Testing Facility. The hand-off fee includes either a 1Gb or 10Gb switch port and a cross connect to the Testing Facility.
Subscribers shall also pay a one-time installation fee of $1,100 per hand-off.
The connectivity provided under this rule also provides connectivity to the other markets of NASDAQ BX, Inc., Nasdaq PHLX LLC, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, Nasdaq MRX LLC, and Nasdaq GEMX LLC.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended Mar. 1, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-09); amended Apr. 29, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-16); amended Jun. 27, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-23); amended Aug. 26, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-44); amended May 7, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-18), operative Sep.
1, 2024; amended Oct. 11, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-50); amended Nov. 8, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-52).
A. Application
Primary Market Maker - $7,500 per Firm (one time).
Competitive Market Maker - $5,500 per Firm (one time).*
Electronic Access Member - $3,500 per Firm (one time).
Lessor - $1,000 per Applicant (one time).
*This Competitive Market Maker application fee is waived for applicants that share at least 75% common ownership with another CMM as reflected on each firm's Form BD, Schedule A.
B. Administrative
DTR Approval - $500 per Trader (one time).*
Pg2-U4 for Non-Registered Persons - $100 per Individual (one time).
*This fee is waived for DTRs of affiliated CMMs that are already registered as DTRs under the affiliated entity.
C. Options Regulatory Fee
As of August 1, 2023, the ORF is $0.0013 per contract side.
The Options Regulatory Fee (“ORF”) is assessed by ISE to each ISE Member for options transactions cleared by The Options Clearing Corporation (“OCC”) in the customer range where: (1) the execution occurs on ISE or (2) the execution occurs on another exchange
and is cleared by an ISE Member. The ORF is collected by OCC on behalf of ISE from (1) ISE clearing members for all customer transactions they clear or (2) non-members for all customer transactions they clear that were executed on ISE. ISE uses reports from
OCC when assessing and collecting ORF. The Exchange will notify Members via an Options Trader Alert of any change in the amount of the fee at least 30 calendar days prior to the effective date of the change.
Effective June 1, 2025
The Options Regulatory Fee ("ORF") is assessed by ISE to each ISE Member for multi-listed options transactions and options transactions in ISE proprietary products cleared by The Options Clearing Corporation ("OCC") in all clearing ranges except market makers
who clear as “M” at OCC where: (1) the execution occurs on ISE or (2) the execution occurs on another exchange and is cleared by an ISE Member. The ORF is collected by OCC on behalf of ISE from (1) ISE clearing members for all Priority Customer, Professional
Customer, Firm Proprietary and Broker-Dealer transactions they clear or (2) non-members for all Priority Customer, Professional Customer, Firm Proprietary and Broker-Dealer transactions they clear that were executed on ISE. ISE uses reports from OCC when assessing
and collecting ORF. The Exchange will notify Members via an Options Trader Alert of any change in the amount of the fee at least 30 calendar days prior to the effective date of the change. ISE will assess a different rate for trades executed on ISE (“Local
ORF Rate”) and trades executed on non-ISE exchanges (“Away ORF Rate”) as specified below.
Local ORF Rate for Customer “C” Origin Code transactions executed on ISE (Local)
Local ORF Rate for Firm “F” Origin Code transactions executed on ISE (Local)
$0.0116 per contract side
$0.00014 per contract side
Away ORF Rate for Customer “C” Origin Code multi-list transactions executed on non-ISE exchanges
Away ORF Rate for Firm “F” Origin Code multi-list transactions executed on non-ISE exchanges)
$0.00 per contract side
$0.00014 per contract side
The ORF will sunset on December 1, 2025 at which point the Exchange would revert back to the ORF methodology and rate ($0.0013 per contract side) that was in effect prior to this rule change.
D. Reserved.
Changes have been approved that are not yet operative. To view the implementation schedule, see the
attached document.
These fees are collected and retained by FINRA via the Web CRD registration system for the registration of associated persons of member organizations of the Exchange that are not FINRA members. FINRA, on behalf of the Exchange, will bill and collect these
General Registration Fees:
$125-For each initial Form U4 filed for the registration of a representative or principal.
$155-For the additional processing of each initial or amended Form U4, Form U5 or Form BD that includes the initial reporting, amendment or certification of one or more disclosure events or proceedings.
$70-FINRA Annual System Processing Fee Assessed only during Renewals.
Fingerprint Processing Fees:
$31.25-Initial Submission (Electronic)
$41.25-Initial Submission (Paper)
$20.00-Second Submission (Electronic)
$30.00-Second Submission (Paper)
$31.25-Third Submission (Electronic)
$41.25-Third Submission (Paper)
$30.00-FINRA Processing Fee for Fingerprint Results Submitted by Self-Regulatory Organizations other than FINRA.
Continuing Education Fee:
The Continuing Education Fee will be assessed as to each individual who is required to complete the Regulatory Element of the Continuing Education Requirements pursuant to Exchange General 4, Section 1240. This fee is paid directly to FINRA.
$55 Continuing Education Regulatory Element Session Fee for each individual who is required to complete the Regulatory Element of the Continuing Education Requirements pursuant to Exchange General 4, Section 1240. This fee will be amended on January 1,
2023 as noted below.
Maintaining Qualifications Program (“MQP”) Fee: $100 fee for each individual electing to participate in the continuing education program under FINRA Rule 1240(c) for each year that such individual is participating in the program. Individuals who elect
to participate in the program within two years from the termination of a registration would also be assessed any accrued annual fee. This fee is paid directly to FINRA.
The below Continuing Education Regulatory Element Session Fee will be assessed by FINRA commencing on January 1, 2023
$18 Continuing Education Regulatory Element Session Fee for all Registrations. This fee will be assessed as to each individual who is required to complete the Regulatory Element of the Continuing Education Requirements pursuant to Exchange General 4, Section
1240. This fee is paid directly to FINRA.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17); amended Nov. 2, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-37); amended Nov. 13, 2020 (SR-ISE-2020-39); amended March 16, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-04), operative April 1, 2021; amended July 30, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-16),
operative October 1, 2021; amended November 5, 2021 (SR-ISE-2021-24), operative January 2, 2022; amended Jan. 11, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-01), operative Jan. 31, 2022; amended Jan. 20, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-02), operative Feb. 1, 2022; amended Nov. 29, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-26);
amended Dec. 7, 2022 (SR-ISE-2022-26); amended Jul. 25, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-14), operative Aug. 1, 2023; amended Oct. 15, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-49), operative Jan. 1, 2025; amended Nov. 27, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-56), operative Jan. 1, 2025; amended Jan. 28, 2025 (SR-ISE-2025-06).
A. Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile End of Day
Subscription - $850 per month with an annual subscription.
Ad-hoc Request (historical data) - $600 per request per month. An ad-hoc request can be for any number of months beginning with January 2006 for which the data is available.
Academic Ad-hoc request (historical data) - $500 per request. An ad-hoc request for up to 12 months of data. Academic institutions may use this data for academic purposes only and not for actual securities trading.
Academic Complete Set (historical data) - $1,000 per request. A complete set includes all the months from January 2006 through the current month. Academic institutions may use this data for academic purposes only and not for actual securities trading.
Free trial-A one month free trial is available to both members and non-members who have not previously subscribed to the Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile End of Day.
B. Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile Intraday
Subscription - $2,500 per month.
Ad-hoc Request (historical data). An ad-hoc request can be for any number of months, quarters or years beginning with October 2009 for which the data is available.
$1,000 per request per month.
Academic Ad-hoc request (historical data) - $1,000* per ad-hoc request for up to 12 months of data. Academic institutions may use this data for academic purposes only and not for actual securities trading.
Academic Complete Set (historical data) - $2,000* per request for a complete set that includes all the months from October 2009 through the current month. Academic institutions may use this data for academic purposes only and not for actual securities trading.
*Credits will apply for previous purchases of Nasdaq ISE Open/Close data for the academic author and/or university that provide a link to published research papers on the use of Nasdaq ISE Open/Close data that can be posted on the Nasdaq ISE website. For
example, a university that previously purchased the Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile for $1,000 would pay an incremental $1,000 for all of the history for the Open/Close Trade Profile Intraday data.
C. Nasdaq ISE Trade Profile Historical Data and External Distribution of Derived Data
Account Type
Historical Data for Current End of Day Product Distributors:
$7,200 for the most recent 36 months
Historical Data for Current Intra-Day Product Distributors:
$12,000 for the most recent 36 months
The most recent 36 months is measured based on the date of purchase of the 36 months of data by a Current Distributor.
A “Current Distributor” is any firm that purchases either the End of Day Product for the current month, or the Intra-Day Product for the current month in the same month that the 36 months of historical End of Day or Intra-Day data is ordered.
Unlimited External Distribution of Derived Data from ISE Trade Outline:
$4,500 per month
Fees for external distribution of Derived Data from ISE Trade Outline are in addition to fees for the End of Day product or the Intraday product, or both, as applicable.
“Derived Data” is any information generated in whole or in part from Exchange Information such that the information generated cannot be reverse engineered to recreate Exchange Information, or be used to create other data that is recognizable as a reasonable
substitute for such Exchange Information.
“Exchange Information” is any data or information that has been collected, validated, processed and/or recorded by the Exchange and made available for transmission relating to: (i) eligible securities or other financial instruments, markets, products, vehicles,
indicators or devices; (ii) activities of the Exchange; or (iii) other information or data from the Exchange. Information includes, but is not limited to, any element of information used or processed in such a way that Exchange Information or a substitute
for such Information can be identified, recalculated or re-engineered from the processed information.
D. Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile End of Day and Nasdaq ISE Open/Close Trade Profile Intraday
Subscription - $3,100 per month with an annual subscription.
E. Enhanced Sentiment Market Data
Nasdaq ISEE Select Data Feed
Firms will be charged $0.10 per end user for redistribution to up to 10,000 end users on a monthly basis.
Firms will be charged $0.10 per end user for redistribution to 10,001 to 74,999 end users on a monthly basis.
Firms will be charged $0.084 per end user for redistribution to 75,000 to 199,999 end users (minimum increment of 5,000 end users).
Firms will be charged $0.0825 per end user for redistribution to 200,000 or more end users (minimum increment of 5,000 end users).
F. Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed
Professionals (internal use only).
$5,300 (op. 1/1/25); $5,500 (op. 1/1/26); $5,700 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor.* $50 per month per controlled device.** Each distributor's combined maximum fee is capped
at $8,000 (op. 1/1/25); $8,400 (op. 1/1/26); $8,600 (op. 1/1/27) per month. Each distributor's fee for the first month after connection is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor shall be $1,000. All user fees are waived for the first month after connection
is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor.
Professionals (external redistribution by distributor through a controlled device).
$5,300 (op. 1/1/25); $5,500 (op. 1/1/26); $5,700 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $50 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee is capped at
$10,650 (op. 1/1/25); $11,100 (op. 1/1/26); $11,450 (op. 1/1/27) per month. Each distributor's fee for the first month after connection is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor shall be $1,000. All user fees are waived for the first month after connection
is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor.
Non-Professional (external redistribution by distributor through a controlled device).
$5,000 per month per distributor. $5 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee is capped at $10,000 per month. Each distributor's fee for the first
month after connection is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor shall be $1,000. All user fees are waived for the first month after connection is established between Nasdaq ISE and distributor.
Managed Data Access Service is any retransmission of the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor*** where the Managed Data Access Distributor must first agree to reformat and/or redisplay the Real-time Depth of
Market Raw Data Feed prior to retransmission, but not to affect the integrity of the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed and not to render it inaccurate, unfair, uninformative, fictitious, misleading, or discriminatory.
(Temporary Program ending August 31, 2016)
$2,500 per month per Managed Data Access Distributor. $750 per month per IP address for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient,****
who may be a Professional or Non-Professional user. $50 per month per controlled device for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient who is a Professional user. $5 per month per controlled device for redistribution
by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient who is a Non-Professional user. The minimum monthly fee for each Managed Data Access Distributor for the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed is $5,000.
*A distributor is any firm that receives the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed directly from Nasdaq ISE or indirectly through a redistributor and then distributes it either internally or externally. A redistributor includes market data vendors and
connectivity providers such as extranets and private network providers.
**A controlled device is any device that a distributor of the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed permits to access the information in the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed.
***A Managed Data Access Distributor redistributes the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed and permits access to the information in the Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed through a controlled device. A Managed Data Access Distributor can also redistribute
a data feed solution to specific IP addresses, including an Application Programming Interface (API) or similar automated delivery solutions, with only limited entitlement controls (e.g., usernames and/or passwords) to a recipient of the information.
****Managed Data Access Recipient is a subscriber of the Managed Data Access Distributor who receives a reformatted Real-time Depth of Market Raw Data Feed in a controlled device or at a specific IP address. A Managed Data Access Recipient who receives the
data feed outside of a controlled device is charged the fee per IP address, which covers both primary and back-up IP addresses.
G. Nasdaq ISE Order Feed
Internal Use Only.
$3,150 (op. 1/1/25); $3,280 (op. 1/1/26); $3,360 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor.* There are no controlled device fees for internal use.
External Redistribution.
$3,150 (op. 1/1/25); $3,280 (op. 1/1/26); $3,360 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $20 per month per external controlled device.** Each distributor's combined maximum fee for
external redistribution is capped at $5,270 (op. 1/1/25); $5,480 (op. 1/1/26); $5,600 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Internal and External Redistribution.
$$3,150 (op. 1/1/25); $3,280 (op. 1/1/26); $3,360 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $20 per month per external controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee for
both internal and external redistribution is capped at $5,270 (op. 1/1/25); $5,480 (op. 1/1/26); $5,600 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Managed Data Access Service is any retransmission of the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor*** where the Managed Data Access Distributor must first agree to reformat and/or redisplay the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed prior to retransmission,
but not to affect the integrity of the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed and not to render it inaccurate, unfair, uninformative, fictitious, misleading, or discriminatory.
(Temporary Program ending August 31, 2016)
$2,000 per month per Managed Data Access Distributor. $500 per month per IP address for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient,****
who may be a Professional or Non-Professional user. $20 per month per controlled device for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient who is a Professional user. There is no controlled device fee for Non-Professional
users. The minimum monthly fee for each Managed Data Access Distributor for the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed is $4,000.
*A distributor is any firm that receives the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed directly from Nasdaq ISE or indirectly through a redistributor and then distributes it either internally or externally. A redistributor includes market data vendors and connectivity providers
such as extranets and private network providers.
**An external controlled device is any device that a distributor of the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed permits an external user to access the information in the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed.
***A Managed Data Access Distributor redistributes the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed and permits access to the information in the Nasdaq ISE Order Feed through a controlled device. A Managed Data Access Distributor can also redistribute a data feed solution to specific
IP addresses, including an Application Programming Interface (API) or similar automated delivery solutions, with only limited entitlement controls (e.g., usernames and/or passwords) to a recipient of the information.
****Managed Data Access Recipient is a subscriber of the Managed Data Access Distributor who receives a reformatted Nasdaq ISE Order Feed in a controlled device or at a specific IP address. A Managed Data Access Recipient who receives the data feed outside
of a controlled device is charged the fee per IP address, which covers both primary and back-up IP addresses.
H. Nasdaq ISE Top Feed
Professional (internal use only).
$3,180 (op. 1/1/25); $3,320 (op. 1/1/26); $3,400 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor.* $20 per month per controlled device.** Each distributor's combined maximum fee for internal
redistribution is capped at $4,240 (op. 1/1/25); $4,420 (op. 1/1/26); $4,540 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Professional (external redistribution).
$3,180 (op. 1/1/25); $3,320 (op. 1/1/26); $3,400 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $20 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee for external
redistribution is capped at $5,300 (op. 1/1/25); $5,540 (op. 1/1/26); $5,680 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Professional (internal and external redistribution).
$3,180 (op. 1/1/25); $3,320 (op. 1/1/26); $3,400 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $20 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee for both internal
and external redistribution is capped at $5,300 (op. 1/1/25); $5,540 (op. 1/1/26); $5,680 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Non-Professional (external redistribution through a controlled device).
$3,000 per month per distributor. There are no monthly controlled device fees.
Managed Data Access Service is any retransmission of the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor*** where the Managed Data Access Distributor must first agree to reformat and/or redisplay the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed prior
to retransmission, but not to affect the integrity of the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed and not to render it inaccurate, unfair, uninformative, fictitious, misleading, or discriminatory.
(Temporary Program ending August 31, 2016)
$2,000 per month per Managed Data Access Distributor. $500 per month per IP address for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient,****
who may be a Professional or Non-Professional user. $20 per month per controlled device for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient who is a Professional user. There is no controlled device fee for Non-Professional
users. The minimum monthly fee for each Managed Data Access Distributor for the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed is $4,000.
*A distributor is any firm that receives the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed directly from Nasdaq ISE or indirectly through a redistributor and then distributes it either internally or externally. A redistributor includes market data vendors and connectivity providers
such as extranets and private network providers.
**A controlled device is any device that a distributor of the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed permits to access the information in the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed.
***A Managed Data Access Distributor redistributes the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed and permits access to the information in the Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed through a controlled device. A Managed Data Access Distributor can also redistribute a data feed solution
to specific IP addresses, including an Application Programming Interface (API) or similar automated delivery solutions, with only limited entitlement controls (e.g., usernames and/or passwords) to a recipient of the information.
****Managed Data Access Recipient is a subscriber of the Managed Data Access Distributor who receives a reformatted Nasdaq ISE Top Quote Feed in a controlled device or at a specific IP address. A Managed Data Access Recipient who receives the data feed outside
of a controlled device is charged the fee per IP address, which covers both primary and back-up IP addresses.
I. Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed
Professional (internal use only).
$3,100 (op. 1/1/25); $3,200 (op. 1/1/26); $3,275 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor.* $25 per month per controlled device.** Each distributor's combined maximum fee for internal
redistribution is capped at $4,500 (op. 1/1/25); $4,700 (op. 1/1/26); $4,825 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Professional (external distribution).
$3,100 (op. 1/1/25); $3,200 (op. 1/1/26); $3,275 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $25 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee for external
redistribution is capped at $5,800 (op. 1/1/25); $6,100 (op. 1/1/26); $6,250 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Professional (internal and external redistribution).
$3,100 (op. 1/1/25); $3,200 (op. 1/1/26); $3,275 (op. 1/1/27) per month per distributor. $25 per month per controlled device. Each distributor's combined maximum fee for both internal
and external redistribution is capped at $5,800 (op. 1/1/25); $6,100 (op. 1/1/26); $6,250 (op. 1/1/27) per month.
Non-Professional (external redistribution through a controlled device).
$3,000 per month per distributor. There are no monthly controlled device fees.
Managed Data Access Service is any retransmission of the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor*** where the Managed Data Access Distributor must first agree to reformat and/or redisplay the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed prior to retransmission,
but not to affect the integrity of the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed and not to render it inaccurate, unfair, uninformative, fictitious, misleading, or discriminatory.
(Temporary Program ending August 31, 2016)
$2,000 per month per Managed Data Access Distributor. $500 per month per IP address for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient,****
who may be a Professional or Non-Professional user. $25 per month per controlled device for redistribution by a Managed Data Access Distributor to a Managed Data Access Recipient who is a Professional user. There is no controlled device fee for Non-Professional
users. The minimum monthly fee for each Managed Data Access Distributor for the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed is $4,000.
*A distributor is any firm that receives the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed directly from Nasdaq ISE or indirectly through a redistributor and then distributes it either internally or externally. A redistributor includes market data vendors and connectivity providers
such as extranets and private network providers.
**A controlled device is any device that a distributor of the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed permits to access the information in the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed.
***A Managed Data Access Distributor redistribute the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed and permits access to the information in the Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed through a controlled device. A Managed Data Access Distributor can also redistribute a data feed solution to
specific IP addresses, including an Application Programming Interface (API) or similar automated delivery solutions, with only limited entitlement controls (e.g., usernames and/or passwords) to a recipient of the information.
****Managed Data Access Recipient is a subscriber of the Managed Data Access Distributor who receives a reformatted Nasdaq ISE Spread Feed in a controlled device or at a specific IP address. A Managed Data Access Recipient who receives the data feed outside
of a controlled device is charged the fee per IP address, which covers both primary and back-up IP addresses.
J. Nasdaq ISE Trade Feed
$1,040 (op. 1/1/25); $1,070 (op. 1/1/26); $1,087 (op. 1/1/27) per month for unlimited internal and/or external distribution of ISE Trade Feed.
K. Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed
Professional (internal use only).
$5,000 per month per Business Unit* at a Subscriber.** $50 per month per controlled device*** (in excess of the first 50 controlled devices). This subscription includes the first
50 controlled devices.
Managed Data Access Service (MDAS) is any retransmission of the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor**** where the Managed Data Access Distributor must first agree to reformat and/or redisplay the Nasdaq
ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed prior to retransmission, but not to affect the integrity of the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed and not to render it inaccurate, unfair, uninformative, fictitious, misleading, or discriminatory.
Managed Data Access Distributors (MDAD)-Non-Professional (external redistribution through a controlled device).
$1,500 per month per MDAD. $1 per month per controlled device.
Managed Data Access Distributors (MDAD)-Professional (external redistribution through a controlled device).
$1,500 per month per MDAD. $50 per month per controlled device.
Managed Data Access Distributors (MDAD)-Professional from an Application Programming Interface (internal redistribution only).
$1,500 per month per MDAD.
$1,000 per month for up to 10,000 symbols.
$2,000 per month for up to 25,000 symbols.
$3,000 per month for up to 50,000 symbols.
$4,000 per month for up to 100,000 symbols.
$5,000 per month for over 100,000 symbols.
Managed Data Access Recipient (MDAR)***** API Log-In Fee
$250 per month per login.
*A Business Unit is a separate and distinct business group at a Subscriber firm that has access to the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed. A market making desk, a risk management group, etc. would each be considered a Business Unit.
**A Subscriber is any firm that receives the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed directly from the Nasdaq ISE or indirectly through a redistributor and then distributes it either internally or externally. A redistributor includes market data vendors
and connectivity providers such as extranet and private network providers.
***A controlled device is any device that a Subscriber or Managed Data Access Distributor of the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed permits to access the information in the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed.
****A Managed Data Access Distributor is a subscriber of the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed that permits access to the information in the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed through a "controlled device." A Managed Data Access Distributor
can also offer a data feed solution, including an Application Programming Interface (API) or similar automated delivery solutions, with only limited entitlement controls (e.g., usernames and/or passwords) to a recipient of the information.
*****A Managed Data Access Recipient is a subscriber to the Managed Data Access Service for the purpose of accessing the Nasdaq ISE Implied Volatility and Greeks Feed offered by a Managed Data Access Distributor.
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89); amended Feb. 3, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-06), operative Mar. 5, 2023; amended May 17, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-10), operative Jun. 16, 2023; amended Jul. 1, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-25); amended Jul. 15, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-32); amended
Jul. 29, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-36); amended Sep. 6, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-46); amended Feb. 3, 2023 (SR-ISE-2023-06), operative Sep. 23, 2024; amended Dec. 23, 2024 (SR-ISE-2024-63), operative Jan. 1, 2025; amended Jan. 6, 2025 (SR-ISE-2025-02).
A. Training - $500
B. Testing - $100
C. Third party Developers
• Set-up - $1,000 (one time)
• Usage - $1,000 per month
D. Disaster Recovery Testing & Relocation Services - $3,000
Adopted October 23, 2018 (SR-ISE-2018-89).
The Sales Value Fee is assessed by the Exchange to each Member for sales on the Exchange with respect to which the Exchange is obligated to pay a fee to the Commission under Section 31 of the Exchange Act. To the extent that there may be any excess monies
collected under this Rule, the Exchange may retain those monies to help fund its general operating expenses. The sales transactions to which the fee applies are sales of options (other than options on a security index) and the sales of securities resulting
from the exercise of physical-delivery options. The fee is collected indirectly from Members through their clearing firms by the Clearing Corporation on behalf of Nasdaq ISE with respect to options sales and options exercises. The Sales Value Fee is equal
to (a) the Section 31 fee rate multiplied by (b) the Member's aggregate dollar amount of covered sales resulting from options transactions occurring on the Exchange during any computational period.
[Adopted June 6, 2019 (SR-ISE-2019-17).]