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Home > > MRX Options 6 Versions:
Options 6 Options Trade Administration
Section 1. Authorization to Give Up

(a) General. For each transaction in which a Member participates, the Member may indicate, at the time of the trade or through post-trade allocation, any Options Clearing Corporation ("OCC") number of a Clearing Member through which a transaction will be cleared ("Give Up"), provided the Clearing Member has not elected to Opt In, as defined and described in paragraph (b) below, and restrict one or more of its OCC number(s) ("Restricted OCC Number"). A Member may Give Up a Restricted OCC Number provided the Member has written authorization as described in paragraph (b)(ii) below ("Authorized Member").

(b) Opt In. Clearing Members may request the Exchange restrict one or more of their OCC clearing numbers ("Opt In") as described in subparagraph (i) below. If a Clearing Member Opts In, the Exchange will require written authorization from the Clearing Member permitting a Member to Give Up a Clearing Member's Restricted OCC Number. An Opt In would remain in effect until the Clearing Member terminates the Opt In as described in subparagraph (iii) below. If a Clearing Member does not Opt In, that Clearing Member's OCC number would be subject to Give Up by any Member.

(i) Clearing Member Process to Opt In. A Clearing Member may Opt In by sending a completed "Clearing Member Restriction Form" listing all Restricted OCC Numbers and Authorized Members. A Clearing Member may elect to restrict one or more OCC clearing numbers that are registered in its name at OCC. The Clearing Member would be required to submit the Clearing Member Restriction Form to the Exchange's Membership Department as described on the form. Once submitted, the Exchange requires ninety days before a Restricted OCC Number is effective within the System.

(ii) Member Give Up Process for Restricted OCC Numbers. A Member desiring to Give Up a Restricted OCC Number must become an Authorized Member. The Clearing Member will be required to authorize a Member as described in subparagraph (i) or (iii), unless the Restricted OCC Number is already subject to a Letter of Guarantee that the Member is a party to, as set forth in paragraph (d) below.

(iii) Amendments to Authorized Members or Restricted OCC Numbers. A Clearing Member may amend its Authorized Members or Restricted OCC Numbers by submitting a new Clearing Member Restriction Form to the Exchange's Membership Department indicating the amendment as described on the form. Once a Restricted OCC Number is effective within the System pursuant to paragraph (i) above, the Exchange may permit the Clearing Member to authorize, or remove authorization for, a Member to Give Up the Restricted OCC Number intra-day only in unusual circumstances, and on the next business day in all regular circumstances. The Exchange will promptly notify Members if they are no longer authorized to Give Up a Clearing Member's Restricted OCC Number. If a Clearing Member removes a Restricted OCC Number, any Member may Give Up that OCC clearing number once the removal has become effective on or before the next business day.

(c) System. The System will not allow an unauthorized Member to Give Up a Restricted OCC Number. If an unauthorized Give Up with a Restricted OCC Number is submitted to the System, the System will process that transaction using the Member's default OCC clearing number.

(d) Letter of Guarantee. A clearing arrangement subject to a Letter of Guarantee would immediately permit the Give Up of a Restricted OCC Number by the Member that is party to the arrangement.

(e) An intentional misuse of this Rule is impermissible, and may be treated as a violation of Options 9, Sections 1 and 2.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 2. Submission of Orders and Clearance of Transactions

(a) Order Identification. When entering orders on the Exchange, each Member shall submit trade information in such form as may be prescribed by the Exchange in order to allow the Exchange to properly prioritize and match orders and quotations pursuant to Options 3, Section 10 and report resulting transactions to the Clearing Corporation.

(b) All transactions made on the Exchange shall be submitted for clearance to the Clearing Corporation, and all such transactions shall be subject to the Rules of the Clearing Corporation. Every Clearing Member shall be responsible for the clearance of the Exchange Transactions of such Clearing Member and of each Member who gives up such Clearing Member's name pursuant to a written Letter of Guarantee or written authorization to become an Authorized Member under Options 6, Section 1, which authorization must be submitted to the Exchange.

(c) On each business day at or prior to such time as may be prescribed by the Clearing Corporation, the Exchange shall furnish the Clearing Corporation a report of each Clearing Member's matched trades.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 3. Trade Reporting and Comparison

The details of each trade executed on the Exchange are automatically reported at the time of execution. Members need not separately report their transactions for trade comparison purposes.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 4. Letters of Guarantee

(a) Required of Each Market Maker. No Market Maker shall make any transactions on the Exchange unless a Letter of Guarantee has been issued for such Member by a Clearing Member and filed with the Exchange, and unless such Letter of Guarantee has not been revoked pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Rule.

(b) Terms of Letter of Guarantee. A Letter of Guarantee shall provide that the issuing Clearing Member accepts financial responsibilities for all Exchange Transactions made by the guaranteed Member.

(c) Revocation of Letter of Guarantee. A Letter of Guarantee filed with the Exchange shall remain in effect until a written notice of revocation has been filed with the Exchange. A revocation shall in no way relieve a Clearing Member of responsibility for transactions guaranteed prior to the effective date of such revocation.

[Adopted July 8, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-15).]

Section 5. Transfer of Positions

(a) Permissible Transfers. Existing positions in options listed on the Exchange of a Member or non-Member that are to be transferred on, from, or to the books of a Clearing Member may be transferred off the Exchange if the transfer involves on or more of the following events:

(1) pursuant to Options 9, Section 5, an adjustment or transfer in connection with the correction of a bona fide error in the recording of a transaction or the transferring of a position to another account, provided that the original trade documentation confirms the error;

(2) the transfer of positions from one account to another account where no change in ownership is involved (i.e., accounts of the same Person, provided the accounts are not in separate aggregation units or otherwise subject to information barrier or account segregation requirements;

(3) the consolidation of accounts where no change in ownership is involved;

(4) a merger, acquisition, consolidation, or similar non-recurring transaction for a Person;

(5) the dissolution of a joint account in which the remaining Member assumes the positions of the joint account;

(6) the dissolution of a corporation or partnership in which a former nominee of the corporation or partnership assumes the positions;

(7) positions transferred as part of a Member's capital contribution to a new joint account, partnership, or corporation;

(8) the donation of positions to a not-for-profit corporation;

(9) the transfer of positions to a minor under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act; or

(10) the transfer of positions through operation of law from death, bankruptcy, or otherwise.

For purposes of this rule, the term "Person" shall be defined as an individual, partnership (general or limited), joint stock company, corporation, limited liability company, trust or unincorporated organization, or any governmental entity or agency or political subdivision thereof.

(b) Netting. Unless otherwise permitted by paragraph (f), when effecting a transfer pursuant to paragraph (a), no position may net against another position ("netting"), and no position transfer may result in preferential margin or haircut treatment.

(c) Transfer Price. The transfer price, to the extent it is consistent with applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including rules of other self-regulatory organizations, and tax and accounting rules and regulations, at which a transfer is effected may be:

(1) the original trade prices of the positions that appear on the books of the transferring Clearing Member, in which case the records of the transfer must indicate the original trade dates for the positions; provided, transfers to correct errors under subparagraph (a)(1) must be transferred at the correct original trade prices;

(2) mark-to-market prices of the positions at the close of trading on the transfer date;

(3) mark-to-market prices of the positions at the close of trading on the trade date prior to the transfer date; or

(4) the then-current market price of the positions at the time the transfer is effected.

(d) Prior Written Notice. A Member(s) and its Clearing Member(s) (to the extent that the Member is not self-clearing) must submit to the Exchange, in a manner determined by the Exchange, written notice prior to effecting a transfer from or to the account(s) of a Member(s), except that notification is not required for transfers effected pursuant to subparagraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Rule.

(1) The notice must indicate (A) the Exchange-listed options positions to be transferred, (B) the nature of the transaction, (C) the enumerated provision(s) under paragraph (a) pursuant to which the positions are being transferred, (D) the name of the counterparty(ies), (E) the anticipated transfer date, (F) the method for determining the transfer price under paragraph (c) above, and (G) any other information requested by the Exchange.

(2) Receipt of notice of a transfer does not constitute a determination by the Exchange that the transfer was effected or reported in conformity with the requirements of this Rule. Notwithstanding submission of written notice to Exchange, Members and Clearing Members that effect transfers that do not conform to the requirements of this Rule will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the Rules.

(e) Records. Each Member and each Clearing Member that is a party to a transfer must make and retain records of the information provided in the notice to the Exchange pursuant to subparagraph (d)(1), as well as information on (1) the actual Exchange-listed options transferred; (2) the actual transfer date; and (3) the actual transfer price (and the original trade dates, if applicable). The Exchange may also request the Member Holder or Clearing Member to provide other information.

(f) Presidential Exemptions. In addition to the exemptions set forth in paragraph (a) of this Rule, the Exchange Chief Executive Officer or President (or senior-level designee) may grant an exemption from the requirement of this Rule, on his or her own motion or upon application of the Member (with respect to the Member's positions) or a Clearing Member (with respect to positions carried and cleared by the Clearing Members), when, in the judgment of the Chief Executive Officer or the President or his or her designee, allowing the transfer is necessary or appropriate for the maintenance of a fair and orderly market and the protection of investors and is in the public interest, including due to unusual or extraordinary circumstances, such as the possibility that the market value of the Person's positions will be compromised by having to comply with the requirement to trade on the Exchange pursuant to the normal auction process or when, in the judgment of the Chief Executive Officer, President or his or her designee, market conditions make trading on the Exchange impractical.

(g) Routine, Recurring Transfers. The transfer procedure set forth in this Rule is intended to facilitate non-routine, nonrecurring movements of positions and is not to be used repeatedly or routinely, except for transfers between accounts of the same Person pursuant to subparagraph (a)(2). The transfer procedure may not be used in circumvention of the normal auction process.

(h) Exchange-Listed Options. The transfer procedure set forth in this Rule is only applicable to positions in options listed on the Exchange. Transfers of positions in Exchange-listed options may also be subject to applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including rules of other selfregulatory organizations. Transfers of non-Exchange listed options and other financial instruments are not governed by this Rule.

[Adopted December 17, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-24); amended April 7, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-10); amended August 6, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-15).]

Section 6. Off-Exchange RWA Transfers

(a) Existing positions in options listed on the Exchange of a Member or non-Member (including an affiliate of a Member) may be transferred on, from, or to the books of a Clearing Member off the Exchange if the transfer establishes a net reduction of risk-weighted assets attributable to the Member or non-Member's options positions (an "RWA Transfer"). For purposes of this rule, the term "Person" shall be defined as an individual, partnership (general or limited), joint stock company, corporation, limited liability company, trust or unincorporated organization, or any governmental entity or agency or political subdivision thereof.

(1) RWA Transfers include, but are not limited to: (a) a transfer of options positions from Clearing Corporation member A to Clearing Corporation member B that net (offset) with positions held at Clearing Corporation member B, and thus closes all or part of those positions, and (b) a transfer of positions from a bank-affiliated Clearing Corporation member to a non-bank-affiliated Clearing Corporation member.

(2) RWA Transfers may occur on a routine, recurring basis.

(3) RWA Transfers may result in the netting of positions.

(4) No RWA Transfer may result in preferential margin or haircut treatment.

(5) No RWA Transfer may result in a change in ownership (i.e., an RWA transfer must occur between accounts of the same Person).

(6) No prior written notice to the Exchange is required for RWA Transfers.

(7) Off-exchange transfers of positions in Exchange-listed options may be subject to applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including rules of other self-regulatory organizations. Transfers of non-Exchange listed options and other financial instruments are not governed by this Rule.

[Adopted December 17, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-24).]

Section 7. Reserved.


[Adopted December 17, 2019 (SR-MRX-2019-24).]

Section 8. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 9. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 10. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 11. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 12. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

Section 13. Reserved


[Adopted March 10, 2020 (SR-MRX-2020-07), operative April 9, 2020.]

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